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Thursday, January 7, 2010

What do you want to be in 2010?

Hey guys and girls,

Today I would like to share on the view that God wants you to portray in this year, and prayerfully beyond that!

Some of us may be discouraged, for the lack of opportunities that avails to us in terms of service, where bigger and older people are always given the chance to serve.

Some of us are too caught up with the things of this world, that we neglect the loving arms of God.

But today, I come here to tell you, everyone here have great potential in them, and you have to believe it. God's heartbeat, is for everyone to be close and intimate to him, and nothing in this world will be able to short-change that.

If you are discouraged today, I hope that it will be a righteous and holy dis-satisfaction in you. Jumping in to serve in whatever ways or capacity you are given to, and not look back.

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. - Luke 9:62

God today wants to use you! Are you willing to be used by God?

Guys, always remember. Be faithful in little things, and God will make you ruler of MANY things. If you can't even do a simple thing, forget about doing great things for God. Period.

If you are too caught up with the glamour and riches that the World affords, can I today say that you are just enjoying mere temporary pleasures, that do not last in the eyes of God?

Read up Luke 15 for 3 parables, that the Lord used to teach us today.

John 10:10b - I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

What do you want to be in 2010?
The ball is in your court.

A life that is full of joy, or a life of regret.

God bless,

came at6:30 PM

Hey guys and girls,

Today I would like to share on the view that God wants you to portray in this year, and prayerfully beyond that!

Some of us may be discouraged, for the lack of opportunities that avails to us in terms of service, where bigger and older people are always given the chance to serve.

Some of us are too caught up with the things of this world, that we neglect the loving arms of God.

But today, I come here to tell you, everyone here have great potential in them, and you have to believe it. God's heartbeat, is for everyone to be close and intimate to him, and nothing in this world will be able to short-change that.

If you are discouraged today, I hope that it will be a righteous and holy dis-satisfaction in you. Jumping in to serve in whatever ways or capacity you are given to, and not look back.

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. - Luke 9:62

God today wants to use you! Are you willing to be used by God?

Guys, always remember. Be faithful in little things, and God will make you ruler of MANY things. If you can't even do a simple thing, forget about doing great things for God. Period.

If you are too caught up with the glamour and riches that the World affords, can I today say that you are just enjoying mere temporary pleasures, that do not last in the eyes of God?

Read up Luke 15 for 3 parables, that the Lord used to teach us today.

John 10:10b - I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

What do you want to be in 2010?
The ball is in your court.

A life that is full of joy, or a life of regret.

God bless,

came at6:30 PM

Hey guys and girls,

Today I would like to share on the view that God wants you to portray in this year, and prayerfully beyond that!

Some of us may be discouraged, for the lack of opportunities that avails to us in terms of service, where bigger and older people are always given the chance to serve.

Some of us are too caught up with the things of this world, that we neglect the loving arms of God.

But today, I come here to tell you, everyone here have great potential in them, and you have to believe it. God's heartbeat, is for everyone to be close and intimate to him, and nothing in this world will be able to short-change that.

If you are discouraged today, I hope that it will be a righteous and holy dis-satisfaction in you. Jumping in to serve in whatever ways or capacity you are given to, and not look back.

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. - Luke 9:62

God today wants to use you! Are you willing to be used by God?

Guys, always remember. Be faithful in little things, and God will make you ruler of MANY things. If you can't even do a simple thing, forget about doing great things for God. Period.

If you are too caught up with the glamour and riches that the World affords, can I today say that you are just enjoying mere temporary pleasures, that do not last in the eyes of God?

Read up Luke 15 for 3 parables, that the Lord used to teach us today.

John 10:10b - I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

What do you want to be in 2010?
The ball is in your court.

A life that is full of joy, or a life of regret.

God bless,

came at6:30 PM

Hey guys and girls,

Today I would like to share on the view that God wants you to portray in this year, and prayerfully beyond that!

Some of us may be discouraged, for the lack of opportunities that avails to us in terms of service, where bigger and older people are always given the chance to serve.

Some of us are too caught up with the things of this world, that we neglect the loving arms of God.

But today, I come here to tell you, everyone here have great potential in them, and you have to believe it. God's heartbeat, is for everyone to be close and intimate to him, and nothing in this world will be able to short-change that.

If you are discouraged today, I hope that it will be a righteous and holy dis-satisfaction in you. Jumping in to serve in whatever ways or capacity you are given to, and not look back.

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. - Luke 9:62

God today wants to use you! Are you willing to be used by God?

Guys, always remember. Be faithful in little things, and God will make you ruler of MANY things. If you can't even do a simple thing, forget about doing great things for God. Period.

If you are too caught up with the glamour and riches that the World affords, can I today say that you are just enjoying mere temporary pleasures, that do not last in the eyes of God?

Read up Luke 15 for 3 parables, that the Lord used to teach us today.

John 10:10b - I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

What do you want to be in 2010?
The ball is in your court.

A life that is full of joy, or a life of regret.

God bless,

came at6:30 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009


Haven't been blogging for awhile and now I am back! Will try to update as much as possible.

This Sat Cambodia trip, can't wait!

came at2:14 PM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prayer request.

Just came back from Cambodia yesterday, and was at awed with the Lord's working in that land.

Will you pray with me for Cambodia?

came at5:50 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The response of man

Was too carried away in life, so much so that I've not really much time to blog nowadays. Blogging to me isn't an avenue where I vent my frustrations on, not a place where I rant on my life, but I hope that this blog will be used for God's glory, where I can boast of Christ's blessing to the people around me :)

I've a great time at St John's Island during National Day, and God indeed taught me many lessons even in that short time there. Talks with Ian always pays off with me always the party who benefits from the talks, indeed thank God for this dear brother. I also witnessed people who broke down, needing the Lord's Spirit and the Spirit was moving! Thank God for everything and my God is just so awesome and gracious! :)

I would like to quote a verse in the Bible that has blessed my heart this week.

Psalms 27:8 - When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.

This is a Psalm of David, and it is split into 2 parts, with the psalmist's faith from V. 1-6 and his desire towards God, and expectation from him from V. 7-14.

I was impressed and blessed by this verse because I know that the Lord is constantly wanting us to seek his face. So much so that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, so much so that we all can be reconciled with God himself! Isn't that a wonderful thought?

I see 2 responses in this verse from a man's perspective. We can choose to obey, or to ignore God. I love David because he simply said " Thy face, Lord, will I seek" which means that it can be done since David himself chose to obey God in this. It isn't hard at all, and when we trust God, he said he will shower blessings upon us, for faith
cometh by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.

So the question is, what will your respond be today?

May the good Lord use this to encourage your heart! :)

came at6:25 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Which side are you for?

It has been awhile since I last blogged. This month is my birthday! :) Wanna thank God for everyone who remembered me that day, and even my mum came down for Youth to celebrate with me :) I guess God has been so gracious to me in so many aspects in my life, be it friends, ministries, knowledge of the Word, I just wanna love the Lord more daily in my walk with him. Received many presents as well, and all are very lovely :)

Today I would like to blog about "which side are you for?"

I've been thinking alot on people recently, and am very happy with some people's walk, as I can clearly see light in their life. The smile on their faces is so encouraging in so many ways, that I believe the Lord is grinning from ear to ear. Although it isn't sinless perfection, it was definitely a spiraling heading upwards.

Bible says in
Psalms 53:2 - God looked down from heaven upon the children of man, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.

My prayer for you guys, a whole bunch of you from diverse age groups is, continue to seek him and live a life of faith, be grounded in the Word to strengthened your faith in Christ.

Now talking about the other group of people, I firstly do not know how to start. But my prayer, is that one day, you'll realize how precious and valuable you are in the eyes of God! We are not called to live like hypocrites. We all ought to strive for holiness, and not double-standards in life. It was said that if we are not living the Holy, normal, victorious Christian life, we are hypocrites. We cannot enjoy both God and the World. Many people can ask " what is the world? " The world is basically, things that are offered to distract us from God! ( like immorality, unequally yolk, pride, self and I can go on and on)

Question: Are you a double minded person?

If yes, the Bible says, the double minded man is unstable in all of his ways!

Whats the point in hanging on to Bible truths, claiming you love God and uses verse just to comfort you heart when you keep falling into the same cycle over and over again? Getting hyped up by some Church event, making decisions wanting to change but when we hit the real world, everything revolves back the same. Is God pleased with this lifestyle?

I've been holding on, and wanting to post this long long time ago, not here to pin point out anyone, but this post is posted in general, to everyone and myself. We all need to know that we can be channels of blessing God can use if we just humble ourselves in the Lord - James 4:10

Unbelievers need the Lord, Christians also need the Lord, if you are living a life, where your light is hidden in the bush, where Christ's name is stained with your life, will you get back to the Saviour and repent? Will you come back to his feet, and just worship him with all your substance? May the Lord use this thought in me for his Glory.

came at10:34 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Billionaires in the sight of God

I was reflecting on richness in Christ, and I thank God for how he has freely given us so much, so much that we ourselves still don't quite get it. We all used to be in a huge debt under sin, whenever sin calls on us, like an ox we were led to the slaughter. Bankrupt was the term used to define us. Right now we are all saved, through the Blood of Jesus Christ who cleanses us from all sin, yet sometimes we still listen to the soft voice of sin, and ultimately we fall. This is not God's will for all of us. When we are saved, the Holy Spirit is given to us all, freely. Enabling us not to be the slave who begs for pleasures in sin, but to be billionaires, walking the high road! The question for tonight is, since we are all billionaires, why are we still walking the low road instead of the high road that we all ought to walk? Somehow God has been teaching me this throughout my walk with him. Someone told me that sometimes, it is easy for us to sin, but difficult to walk the high road God wants us to be, and this is so wrong! Because ultimately it is all in the mind, boiling down to the choice of an individual.

Choosing to sin is as easy to walk the highroad, living the Holy Life.

May this post bless your heart as it blesses mine :)

came at11:42 PM
God's Child.

RP student
Manchester United Fan!

Verse A Day.

The Conversations.


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